Thursday, 28 July 2011


Once upon a time, there lived a cat and a dog.The cats name was Gilbert the dogs name was Cutie. Gilbert and Cutie
always played together, because they were the best friends. They never let each other down. But one day, they found a key. Both of them wanted it. Cutie said "I found it so I should keep it". Gilbert said"But I might Know where it goes to". Both of the friends argued for 20 kitty momments.Then Gilbert finally said"You keep key, I don't want it, its just a silver key, its not even worth anything, but if it is worth money Iwant it". Cutie said" your right a key just shouldent ruin our friend ship, also the keys not worth any money". Gilbert replied "aww I really did want money, but I like you more then money".

                                                                                    The  End

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